Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

94 Decorating Tip Welcoming Housing Wanted Lebaran 2010 (Collection of Tips)

Month of Ramadan has come. Sacred, full of mercy. Fasting also be a sign as well as the main practice of inner and outer purification. A long preparation to welcome the day of victory: Eid al-Fitr.

Successfully overcome the challenges and temptations of a full month old, happily duly grateful. Well, there's nothing wrong redecorating; change the look of your dream home interiors. That is, none other so in tune with the moods of gratitude. Again, this rearrangement can also be a form of our excitement when receiving guests and relatives who came bersilaturahim.

But hopefully this does not bode consumptive. Moreover, it has been said, in the month of fasting housewives expenditure for daily spending increase. Therefore, preparation ahead of time, determining the budget and clever decorating the house becomes the key.

Well, with respect to this fact I already have some relevant tips. So you do not bother looking back and forth, I gather here is a tip-tip. Besides how many additional ideas of course.

Tip widths 1: Painting Houses
Dekorasi Lebaran dengan Kain TradisionalLebaran Decorating with Traditional Fabrics

First, it is about a step change Tip 6 paint a room or house as an alternative to creating a new atmosphere in the midst of a limited budget. Important things you need to consider is, the material must paint quality, hand painting on the skilled craftsman and a little technique to expose contrasting colors but still harmonious.

Second, the technique of color combinations of paint ceilings, walls and floors (in Tip 15). Interior paint color selection should not only focus on the wall paint. To be more optimal you need memberhatikan ceiling and floor colors. The combination of the three color elements that will create a certain effect for your dream house. After a listen, please decide the effect you want on the rooms in your house.

Third, the harmonization of two colors of paint trick the contrast (in Tip 21). Perhaps you want to give your interior a surprise appearance by displaying contrasting colors in the room. In order to remain harmonious appearance flowing again you need to know some basic tips. There are at least two useful tips: using furniture that contains two contrasting colors of your choice. And use painting or framed painting that has two colors contrast well.

Tip widths 2: Decorations Lebaran
Kaligrafi Favorit Anda Untuk LebaranCalligraphy For Your Favorite Lebaran

The main elements of the interior of houses is yourself. All family members. Inner joy that glows in the attitude and full keiklasan greeted by itself will make the house into a shady but warm. Ready to welcome relatives. (Read my review at the tip 48 on a secret dream house)

Additionally you can show off traditional fabrics to your collection. Do I put the cloth in the corresponding frame in the living room or family. Arrange in a harmonious picture frame on top of newly painted walls.

Of course your favorite calligraphy is worth considering as part of the decoration of the residence. My notes, note the correct color composition, the amount of frames to be harmonious with the choice of accent color space.

Do not forget, clean credensa of goods that are not necessary. And use to put dry snacks. Such as candy or fresh fruit. Give cloth tablecloths matching the color of the walls / hiasanya. Put fresh flowers in a vase on it. Hmm!

Widths Tip 3: Space for Children and Adolescents
Perhaps among the relatives of many to bring Child or Adolescent. Now that they feel free, have a special room where they can meet each other. A piece of carpet near the TV or on the terrace of the house may be their favorite place.

Widths Tip 4: The Bedroom
Because of proximity, perhaps some relatives will come to your bedroom. Just take a rest or want to change her clothes. Therefore, do not forget to wash your bed covers. And close the bed and pillows and gulingnya before they come. In order to clean colored impression of their visit.
Well congratulations organize your house. Happy Holidays welcomes nan-Fitr 2010

Tip 95 The foundations of Architectural Design House of Wealth Culture Indonesia Every August, a sense of Indonesian-ness appears firmly in our living space each. Through the red-white flags flutter in the yard. Prior to the date 17 months eight and a few days afterwards. Just a mere form of execution obligations. Or a real step care continues to be an Indonesian pride? Only your most know the answer.

"Month of independence" will be changed and stored back in the red and white cupboards. Then maybe we or someone else will ask, still feels and kelihatankah Indonesianness in our homes?

Let's talk about the Indonesian-ness in the style of home architecture and interior design of a dwelling. On one side of this issue taste choice. But on the other hand, directly or indirectly, is related to the character which would be built in a dwelling.

Globalization facilitate our introduction to the values ​​and cultural forms from the outside. Includes architectural style and interior design. Like the Roman architectural style, Spanish, Moroccan or Mediterranean. There's nothing wrong.

But it was still rich culture of Indonesia. For me, the richness of Indonesian culture, among others, embodied in various shades of architecture and interior design of traditional houses. The style of architecture of traditional houses are a source of great inspiration that decent architecture studied, considered and processed again. With particular attention aspects of the function.
Traditional Houses Indonesia: Minahasa, Pare-pare, Salatiga

The simplest example is the architectural style houses on stilts. As can be encountered in some tribal communities in Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. See for example here

In terms of functions, types of houses on stilts is the answer to environmental problems. Namely the threat of wild animals and the possibility of flooding.

Thinking loudly, can be thought of home architecture concept stage to several residential areas in Jakarta flood of customers. And of course the area under the house is open for exploration of design possibilities. Perhaps the style of the house with a semi-basement or split level can be enriched with keindonesiaan foundation.

In some writings, I found an invitation to re-turn to the wealth of cultural (architecture) Indonesia. One of them argued, is to make neighborhoods and cities to be re-faced Indonesia. After so many years by the uniform motion of a single taste. (See also Tip 76)

But the process and apply the traditional Indonesian style architecture, go to the architectural style of our homes is not an easy task. This step can not be instant. If we do not want to make it just a patch.

The first thing to do is learn the true background of the growth of traditional architectural motifs such.

Secondly, the functional aspects need to be a decisive commander of traditional architectural elements who want to be part of the architecture of your home.

Third, the combination of traditional style and contemporary Indonesian style amatl possible. Although the level of complexity in the manifestations may be higher.
Adaptasi Arsitektur dari Budaya IndonesiaAdaptation Architecture Houses, berakarkan Culture Indonesia

Fourth, as an inspiration that never dry, the traditional architectural style familiar Indonesia needs constantly. For example through the documentation, both visual and written. Or another way is possible.

And finally, the hands of the architects or your own: born berfondasikan house designs of Indonesian culture. Hopefully!

Tip 96 Beautiful Houses, Homes Designed by Dreams of Love simple small house in a limited area is still beautiful and satisfying. As long as they are designed with a vengeance. With love. Floating in the calm consciousness the mind and heart. Let your imagination bobbing waves of creativity. And, accompanied by the perfect mathematical calculations digoreslah sketches of design drawings. Not only meets all requirement for a healthy and safe shelter. But it is also beautiful. Beautiful! Such a design process, designing the home place

My brother, a process that takes time.
Not Only Looks Houses: Design Sketches Mezzanine in the House

Very often our prospective clients discouraged use our professional services for one thing. That is time that we need to design. Sixty days? Maybe more. "Sorry sis, it is too long". What can make.

I usually try to help explain the short sentences. "Better to dismantle khan home picture, rather than dismantle the building". Because there are no additional fees should you spend. But actually not that simple explanation.

At the beginning I have to say there are two things that must work together in an architectural design (and interior). First, mathematical calculations, and second, the beauty. Art or art.

Mathematical calculations necessary for all aspects of a healthy housing, safe and comfortable can be met. Some tips are talking about it. Such as air circulation, circulation activity (zoning), natural lighting, and environmental aspects of energy efficiency. (See Tip 90, for example).

Mathematical calculations are also related to the efficiency of the building structure. So that there are no beams or concrete columns that redundant or wasteful.

The second thing is the beauty. You may already have a shadow. Picture of the shape of your home.

But you also have a need for space. Well as limitations. Both the amount of land and funds. Thus it is very possible picture of the dream home you can not plek materialize.
Dream homes

The task that we were the shadow of the house of your dreams is still achieved. Even more. But still functional: meet the space requirements and in accordance with the budget and the available land. No more no less.

Therefore, unloading designs, repeatedly drawing revisions are commonplace in the design process. Whether architecture or interior of the house. The same.

The design process is the process of your communication with architects. The more intensive the better the result. I often give advice to clients. "Please, do not rush to comment". Endapkan calmly. As we were intense designing, we also expect to observe an intense client, criticizing, give input and deliver hope.

If you occasionally stop by the studio, you might look at this scene. Designers / architects we designed the earphones / headsets. Yes they are listening to music. And designing! That's our hope, when you criticize our design. Quiet, calm, and enjoy the music.

I've uploaded an example of our presentation on YouTube. Plus the accompanying music. Beautiful House. Try to enjoy. Yes it was my hope. As our intense design. Seintens that you, our clients, observe. By means of music, or whatever to taste. Note: the pictures of my house show on YouTube this is an early version of the five versions of the design development that we convey to our clients.

One tip from me. The architect who was a lot smarter. Googling it and you have hundreds of choices. Choose the "click" with you. Because like I said, the design process is the process of mutual communication. If from the beginning you do not feel "click" do not expect any communication. There was no beauty of design that was born from a heart that does not fit.

Tip 97 How to Save Cleanup Residential Furniture: From the Sofa, Carpet to Toilets Eid is over. Sweet memories stay in touch with relatives and relatives may remain fresh in the memory. But perhaps there are a myriad of homework at home. Whether because of a long abandoned or party wear, your home may feel more dirty than usual.

This weekend you might plan to clean the house. Make it bright again. Many natural ingredients are easily available to clean the house. In addition to low-cost, these materials are also safe for your health.
Cleaning the Interior in order to remain bright

Well these tips may be useful for you who want to clean the house after a party.

1. Baking Soda for Carpet and Sofa. Sofa and Carpet probably one of the most common interior stains leftovers. In addition to causing an odor bauh, former food / drink spills may cause stains.

Use baking soda mixed with water. Stir until thickened / paste. If the stain was strong enough / in you can add a few drops of dish soap into the batter. Apply the paste on the stain, rub with a sponge. Then lift the dirt with a damp cloth. After that laplah with a dry cloth.

You can also use baking soda to eliminate odors on carpets. The trick: sprinkle baking soda on the carpet surface 15-30 minutes. If the odor is quite stinging you can mute the first night. After that, use a vacuum cleaner as usual.

Besides baking soda can menyerab odor in the refrigerator, toilet, closet or other enclosed places.

2. Vinegar / lemon juice to dishes and glasses. Glasses and dishes may not be perfectly clean after washing. Use white vinegar / lemon juice mixed with warm water. Spray the cups and plates and then wash as usual.

3. Cinnamon, Clove and Vanilla Oil for room deodorizers. All three are easy natural ingredients you can. The trick Dampen cotton with vanilla oil. Put in the corners of the room. While cinnamon and cloves wrapped in cloth and boiled. Vapor can be used for air freshener.

Well congratulations to clean house.

Tip 98 How High the Ideal Home Lighting Ceiling? Void and creative with Loft In designing the architecture of the house, high plapon your dream home depends on several things. In summary the things you need to consider in determining the height of the ceiling is the climate, the proportion of space / aesthetics, air circulation, and lighting.

The architects generally agree that there is a tendency of changing tastes in which the homeowners want a higher ceiling homes. If we look plapon standard in homes built 20-30 years ago ranged between 250-260cm. While today's modern residence offers high ceilings in the range 280-300cm. Even some parts of the room has a ceiling height 4m to 7m in height. See figure 1 of the results of our design where the center of the house has a ceiling of one latai as high as 7 meters.
Rumah 1 Lantai dengan Plafon TinggiFig 1. Houses 1 Floor with High Ceiling

The tendency of modern home with high ceilings do not just taste but probably related to the comfort and aesthetic design of the house. However, for you who want to build or design a house, a few basic principles that I have to say may be useful.

First, climatic factors
If you look at the houses in cold climates tend to have the ceiling of the lower house. In Japan or Europe for example, high ceilings 2.4 or 2.5 meters are common. The reason is energy savings. The higher the ceiling the higher the heating is required.
Desain Plapon RumahFig 2. Exposing the High Ceiling with Roof Slope

Meanwhile, in coastal areas or hot climates high ceiling allows better air circulation. Some of you may already know that hot air will move upwards. Thus the high ceiling to allow air in the room remained cool.

In addition, with high ceiling allowed sunlight to enter more deeply into all parts of the house. And so the room does not feel damp.

So, my advice if you live in coastal areas with hot air that tends to ceiling height should be not less than 280cm, or between 2.8 to 3.2 m.

Second, the proportions and aesthetics
The architectural design is nothing but talk about the proportion of space. Beautiful design that means proportional. The general architecture student knows that in order to determine the standard ceiling height of a room apply the formula: (length + width) / 2. That is a room-sized 3x4m will look proportional if the ceiling is about (3 +4) / 2 = 3.5 m.
Rumah tipe 6x15Gbr3. The importance of voids in the house with a single access

Void or Loft
When you build a house two or more floors, high ceiling will be created automatically when you create a void. That space is left blank on the second floor so the view can be directly targeted to the second floor ceiling.

The creation of a high ceiling can also do with exposing the slope of the roof. That way you can create a beautiful ceiling. Well as the room will feel more spacious. See Figure 2

Voids can also mean an open space with no roof on the house had only one access is from the front. In many houses, your house surrounded by walls on both sides and rear. When this condition is that you get, the presence of voids to be vital either the rear or side of the house. Namely for air circulation and sunlight can enter into the house. Cover the entire area with a roof is not recommended. See figure 3 which shows the location of voids in a house the size of 6 × 15 in a cluster.
Desain MezzanineFig 4. Loft or mezzanine at home high berplafon

When you create a void that is still quite broad, in certain parts you can still make a loft that can be used as a playground or open space hobby.

Impression of light by using appropriate materials and open design and the glass windows plus the ventilation is very important for air circulation guaranteed and broad impression is not lost. See Figure 4

99 Tips to Match Fence Design with minimalist, Mediterranean or Ethnic

Housing lower middle class generally do not enter the house as a complement to the house fence. As a result, the design of the fence must be cultivated by the owner of the house according to her taste. So we used to see many houses are no longer shows a clear initial concept. The house with the same model and type, have a variety of colorful fence model that dominates the landscape. Unfortunately again, the style of fence that does not always match the type of housing, both the proportion and the s type.

The same thing happens also with the upper middle class home. Although the developers add a fence in the sales package, a fence made ​​of material generally perfunctory. So in the future, homeowners should replace the fence that is more appropriate to the needs. And the results are connected to each of three money: a lot of fence that is made is not disproportionate and incompatible with the design.

Safety Factor
A typical Middle Housing with Standard Fence

The main consideration in making the fence is security. Because of the high fence that often reflect the psychological situation of the owner of the house, but also the objective conditions of security in the vicinity.

If the security level of precedence, people tend to ignore both the proportion and harmony between the design aspects of the fence with home design and the environment.

There was a trend factor of safety and aesthetics in the design of the fence are the two factors are inversely. The higher the safety factor of beauty and harmony factors are ignored fence.

In fact, most of us might prefer a house without a fence aka the home garden. In addition to feel more spacious, air flow and sunlight can also be optimized.

However, this situation may only be enjoyed by a handful of people, because the cost of environmental protection may be much more expensive. As perceived by those who live in housing complexes cluster or garden.

Ideally the front fence height is about 1.5 meters or 1 / 3 of the height of the facade one-story house. If safety factors into consideration so that the fence should be higher, trying to do that through the fence that air and sunlight remain freely.

Customise fence with the facade of the house
Harmony vs Fence Houses: proportion, ornament, pattern, color and style

To you who are looking for inspiration for design of the fence. The main factor you should consider is the aspect of harmony between the fence and looked home. The eye-catching fence is the right proportion, semodel, in tune with home design. See examples of design drawings on the side. Fence and a house designed in harmony.

That is, if your house Mediterranean using a matching fence, for example by exposing the brick arch bali accompanied with cream color. Or if the home of ethnic, maximize the utilization of natural stone and wood.

Harmony was obtained from the selection of a matching color, pattern or ornament of similar material. Not to place the fence and the house seemed to fight for attention so that they even lose the beauty of a collision.

Minimalist House Fence

The main principle of minimalist home is play with simple geometric shapes that form vertical and horizontal lines. Although simple, the game remained vertical and horizontal lines may seem nice and not boring. Provided you know how and the courage to make explorations.
Vertical and Horizontal shades Fence Minimalist

Exploration, among others, can be done with the creation of visual texture. That is the impression of thick and thin, smooth flat, which arises because the pattern is made. (Read a more complete explanation of the visual texture of the tip 75)

Consider the following example of a minimalist fence. Game of simple geometric shapes and matching the shape and color of the house, resulting in a beautiful composition.

Fence Materials and Green Design

Merchants or artisans fence generally provide materials and design examples are limited. Consideration was simple so that they can be an affordable price and fast workmanship.

Whereas many building materials that are available all around us makes it possible to be creative.

Consider the example below. The use of one type of material that is wood planks, batapress and natural stone are designed with simple beauty it displays itself.
Horizontal Fence With Wood, Brick Press, and Natural Stone

Besides the use of ornamental plants to beautify the fence will show that you are the people who care about green architecture green design eyebrows.
In all cases, the pattern is simple, with only one type of material is exposed, color choices, along with awareness to create a rhythmic visual texture is the key of the fence design is captivating. See the picture on the side

Tip 100 Interior Room Furniture to deal Small / Narrow

Reforming small interior room is often puzzling to you. While the need to store goods and the collection as if you can not be compromised. Call it a bedroom the size of a mediocre 2 × 3 meters. Many functions must be carried at once. Ranging from mattresses to sleep, clothes, books to hobby equipment.

The living room and family should not only be packed with guest chairs, televisions, and display. But also a collection of souvenirs, newspapers / magazines, umbrella and a shoe to your helmet. It may even dining table and chairs. Such difficulties experienced by the owners of a small house or apartment trumah small studios.

Get around From the Beginning
Gbr1. Examples of the design in a closet

Before the issue was really puzzling to you, you need to get around since the beginning prior to inhabit the house. Which take into account and make a list from the beginning what items would you let go in the house or in a room.

By that I mean non-furniture items and furniture. Non furniture such as clothing, school supplies / office and kitchen equipment. While the furniture is a place where the goods will be placed, in addition accommodate other functions.

That way you know that there are no goods that have no place. In addition, you also know more details of what types of furniture, sizes and functions that meet your criteria.

For example, for Cabinet Apparel. With that list, you can already membayangka approximately how the size and distribution of wardrobe and drawer space in the cupboard. Figure 1 shows an example of the design in clothes cupboard and functions tailored to client needs.

Designing the Inner and Outer
In essence I want to say is when you think of the furniture you have to consider two things. Ie design the interior and exterior. Settled on the exterior only, newly completed half the problem. You should consider the function on the inside.

In the example below I show both external and internal design in the design of a kitchen set. When designing the inside, we do a lot of discussion with the owner. Among others on goods that will be stored in cabinets cabinet. Which is often used and rarely used as well, the activity of cooking anything that quite often done.
Fig 2 Design the inside and outside of a Kitchen

That way it can be said that good design meets two elements are beautiful on the outside, and functional on the inside.

Storage and Built-in Wardrobe
Built in wardrobe cupboard is mounted on a wall niche, so that the surface is parallel to the overall wall cabinet / wall. Built-in cabinets in design to the ceiling will provide a large enough space, but its presence tidap need to make a narrow room.

Wogg, a German designer, tried to show a closet built-ins that are installed in the living room / living room small house. It functioned as a storage closet for items that are often used to the outdoors, such as shoes, hats and raincoats / umbrellas. It's all trivial stuff that often interfere with the interior because it is not well laid out.
Fig 3. Examples of built-in cabinet design for storage (Work Wogg)

Overall core tips of my time is: when utilizing the services of an interior designer may be beyond your consideration, and managing the home while filling urgent. Do not go to a furniture store that is ready to sell finished goods. You can search for craftsman furniture or cabinet maker. Discuss the details with the inner functions of the furniture you ordered. Convey the size and number of the goods properly.

Thus, no goods are scattered because they have no place. Or size of furniture all liability which can not be used optimally.